Breaking news: Assistant City Manager Eric Brackins Banned the selling of cars at Parkway in Pigeon Forge due to….

Assistant City Manager Eric Brackins Banned the selling of cars at Parkway in Pigeon Forge due to…

Assistant City Manager Eric Brackins recently implemented a ban on the selling of cars at Parkway in Pigeon Forge due to increasing traffic congestion and concerns over public safety. The decision comes after numerous complaints from residents and tourists alike regarding the significant increase in traffic jams and the associated risks to pedestrians and drivers.

Parkway, being one of the main thoroughfares in Pigeon Forge, has seen a dramatic rise in vehicle-related activities, particularly car sales, which have added to the already heavy traffic flow. The area is well-known for its attractions and entertainment venues, drawing large crowds year-round. The added congestion from car sales lots and associated test drives had begun to create unsafe conditions, making it difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate the area promptly.

Brackins, in his announcement, highlighted the city’s commitment to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all visitors and residents. “Our priority is to ensure that Parkway remains accessible and safe for everyone,” he stated. “The increase in car sales activities has unfortunately led to a rise in accidents and near-misses, and we cannot allow this to continue.”

The ban is intended to alleviate these issues by reducing the number of vehicles on the road, thereby improving traffic flow and reducing the risk of accidents. The city is also exploring alternative locations for car dealerships and sales events to ensure that businesses can continue to operate without compromising public safety.

This decision has been met with mixed reactions from the community. While many residents and visitors appreciate the move towards safer streets and less congestion, some business owners have expressed concerns over the impact on their sales and livelihoods. The city plans to hold meetings with these stakeholders to address their concerns and find mutually beneficial solutions.

In conclusion, the ban on selling cars at Parkway in Pigeon Forge, initiated by Assistant City Manager Eric Brackins, aims to enhance public safety and improve traffic conditions, reflecting the city’s dedication to the well-being of its community.

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