BAD PERFORMANCE: Cancer destroy the Lungs; Juwan Johnson is weak now; Juwan Johnson is affected by Cancer due to his rapid smoking because…

Cancer destroy the Lungs; Juwan Johnson is weak now; Juwan Johnson is affected by Cancer due to his rapid smoking because…

One of the most deadly diseases is cancer, especially lung cancer, which is frequently brought on by extended exposure to toxic substances like tobacco. The body’s respiratory system is upset when cancer spreads to the lungs, which can have major negative effects on health. Given that Juwan Johnson has cancer and is now weaker as a result, it is evident how detrimental the disease can be to his health.

Juwan Johnson’s history of heavy smoking—which is one of the main causes of lung cancer—is to blame for his deteriorating health. Smoking causes the body to absorb carcinogens, which eventually deteriorate the lung tissues. Johnson’s chance of getting lung cancer increased with the amount of smoking he consumed. As the cancer spreads, it may block airways and spread to other lung regions, causing breathing problems, chest pain, and persistent coughing. Johnson has suffered greatly as a result, with his body becoming weaker while it fights the illness and the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

This diagnosis has the potential to drastically change Juwan’s life, even though he may have previously enjoyed an active and healthy lifestyle. Not only may lung cancer impact the respiratory system, but it can also spread to other bodily areas, making recovery even more challenging. He may be experiencing cancer-induced weariness, which is a frequent sign of the body’s incapacity to perform at its best because of the ongoing battle with the disease, which could be the cause of his current weakness.

Johnson’s story serves as a reminder of smoking’s harmful effects and how it directly contributes to lung cancer. Although quitting smoking and receiving early care can help with health outcomes, Juwan’s late stage of the disease illustrates how hard it can be to recover from cancer once it has taken root. He is in a vulnerable situation as a result of the therapies that are hard on him and the harm that was done to his lungs. His story serves as an example of the urgent need to raise public awareness of smoking’s harmful effects and potential for irreparable damage.

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