UNBELIVEBLE: My husband corps is no more Katrina Rouse Bloomquist burst out in tears as her…

My husband corps is no more Katrina Rouse Bloomquist burst out in tears as her…

As her husband’s body was carefully buried in the small, sunny churchyard outside their home, Katrina Rouse Bloomquist broke down in tears. The moment’s truth overtook her like a tidal wave, its ferocity nearly unbearable. She held onto a faded picture of him, a memento from brighter days, her fingertips trailing over the contour of his beaming face as though she might somehow bring him back.

Michael Bloomquist, her spouse, had been more than just a lifelong companion; he had served as her rock, confidant, and closest friend. Together, they had endured many real and imagined storms and created a life full of love and joy. An intolerable hole had been created by his abrupt demise, one that appeared to absorb the entire core of her universe.

Katrina’s cries subsided, almost resignation-like, as the last shovelfuls of earth were piled on top of the coffin. She could make out the soft, vague buzz of the small group of friends and family members conversing in a consoling manner. Like the memories of her spouse that she held so closely to, the consolation they attempted to offer seemed to elude her fingers.

The tone below was depressing, but the sky above was a gentle, forgiving blue. The lightness of the song that the birds sang felt almost mocking, and Katrina wondered how the world could go on as usual when hers had changed forever.

Despite her loss, Katrina made a promise to remember Michael by cherishing their time together and drawing strength from the love they had created. She had made a pledge to both herself and the man she had truly loved.

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