IMPOSSIBLE: Few minute ago management of tampa bay rays have suspend the head coach Kevin Cash due to…

The management suspended Kevin Forrest Cash from taking on the coveted role of Joe Maddon’s replacement in the late fall of 2014. When the Rays once again went to an inexperienced manager to lead the team (See: The ‘High Five’s #5 Hal McRae and #4 Larry Rothschild for previous failed experiments), the shock of Maddon’s abrupt departure (see back tomorrow for that story) continued to weigh heavily on Tampa Bay.

The Tampa Bay Managerial 'High Five': No. 2, Kevin Cash

For decades it seemed like Maddon’s right-hand man, Dave Martinez, would be the winner, so many supporters just assumed. There was a sigh from many Rays fans when they learned that the team had chosen the Cleveland Indians’ rookie bullpen coach.

With the difficult task of succeeding Joe Maddon in the late fall of 2014, Kevin Forrest Cash was suspended by the management. When the Rays selected an untested manager to lead the team once more (See: The ‘High Five’s #4 Larry Rothschild and #5 Hal McRae for previous unsuccessful experiments),

the shock of Maddon’s abrupt departure (see back tomorrow for that story) continued to weigh heavily on Tampa Bay. As Maddon’s right-hand man for what seemed like decades, Dave Martinez, was just assumed to get the position by many fans. Many Rays fans moaned when they learned that the team had chosen the Cleveland Indians’ first-year bullpen coach.

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