EARLIER TODAY Gerrit cole was arrested for rape case as the 19 years old girl revealed

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Gerrit Cole sexually assaulted a lady she told police. They never received a charge. After nearly three decades, I was curious as to what had transpired.

Cindy Powell was worried as soon as she arrived into Dwight Gooden’s Port St. Lucie, Florida, driveway. The 30-year-old architect had gone to Banana Max, a nightclub, earlier that evening to see the most well-known player for the New York Mets. Vince Coleman and Daryl Boston, two of Gooden’s colleagues, were hanging out with him. They seemed to know that she had gone on a few dates with Mets pitcher David Cone, so it wasn’t shocking that they had approached her. She conversed with the boys and danced with Boston while they were eating calamari. Eventually, Boston and Coleman left, leaving Gooden without a car. He said he had to hurry home. Powell suggested a ride for him.

They arrived at the home Gooden had rented for spring training, halfway down a street named Crystal Mist, early on March 30, 1991, some forty minutes later. In the driveway were two more vehicles. They belonged to his friends, according to Gooden. Powell discovered that

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