SAD NEWS: Volunteers Points Has been Deducted as a Result of…..

Jeremiah Crawford Declares For NFL Draft

The Tennessee Volunteers misplaced another rostered player to the NFL Draft prior this end of the week. Hostile lineman Jeremiah Crawford, who played in 29 diversions with the Vols and begun 13, pronounced for the draft. Tennessee still encompasses a solid room on paper heading into following season, but losing Crawford may be a blow to their profundity. “To begin with off I’d like to thank God and give all laud to my ruler and savior Jesus Christ. Without Him none of this can be conceivable. Vol Country, I fair need to say thank you for the bolster and cherish I have gotten whereas playing here. I would moreover like to thank my companions, coaches, and colleagues at Goddard, Butler and Tennessee who have been there with me along the way. I begun off playing college football at Butler Community College, and in case you told me I would be composing this nowadays, I wouldn’t accept you. I would like to thank my juco coaches, who truly pushed me in my improvement, not as it were into the player but the man I am nowadays. Coach Haremza, thank you for continuously staying with me and appearing me what this is often all almost. You’re until the end of time one of the greats. I would like to thank all my coaches I have here at Tennessee for taking a chance on and me and making a difference me seek after this amusement at its most noteworthy level in college football. Without you all I don’t know where I’d be. College football has given me partners that turned into brothers. Our fellowships will final a lifetime, and I will until the end of time cherish all the recollections. I would like to donate a extraordinary thank you to my mother. You’ve shown me how to continue on through intense times and how to battle in life. You’ve got yielded so much to deliver me the openings I have nowadays. I am until the end of time thankful. I would moreover like to thank the rest of my family for their adore and bolster along the way and constant supplications. Vol fans are the foremost astonishing and energetic fans out there. I am flabbergasted ordinary with the cherish and bolster you all hove appeared me since I arrived on campus, and I appreciate you more than you all know!! With all that being said, I am energized to declare that I’ve entered into the 2024 NFL Draft.” Jeremiahhttps:

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